The commentary on Facebook was so familiar; why do we do this? Why try to push that square peg in the round hole time after time? Gave me an idea for a new psychological condition called the 'Flashdance' syndrome; talented but individual performer feels the need to compete for seemingly unattainable Establishment training despite being utterly mismatched to the institution and having no discernable benefit to gain. I guess it is intended to be read as an escape from the tawdry world of club dancing to the elite heights of the ballet, but is it really necessary? Could Jennifer's character not have found better satisfaction and ultimately stayed truer to herself had she gone and joined some edgy arthouse dance theatre?
Nope, she had to get her legwarmers on and impress those fuddy-duddies; show them what they were missing and why they should embrace her raw, vital version of the art. Likely?
Funnily enough, in real life us would-be Flashdancers get no joy when we go banging on the doors of the academy demanding our moment in the spotlight... back to the table dancing for us then.
I should have remembered from my long lost art history lessons, but it was also brought to our attention that the Impressionists, those rebellious, risque purveyors of all that was edgy and cutting were rejects themselves who exhibited as the 'Salon des Refuses'. Another era, same old, same old...
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