For someone with a well documented school phobia, this business plan is becoming a thing of horror. I am limiting myself to 'bite sized' pieces of learning and/or producing as I have found this is the only way to keep myself on the straight and narrow. One of my problems, full stop, is that I want everything to be done *now* and find it really hard to envisage a project carrying on a few weeks, even when I know that has to be the case. Spent a large and very pleasant part of the day researching an entirely new area of the city, which was a bit weird; I'm there to debate the possibility of setting up a business in this location and I didn't know it existed despite living here for fifteen years.. not a great omen? However, the lack of knowledge is largely circumstantial; I live on the opposite side of the city, have never worked there and have spend most of those fifteen years stuck in one of a selection of restaurants 24/7. The fact that it is a very pleasing area full of open spaces, parks and big stone houses means that it may yet be the one we are seeking. I always have my eye out for the poetic, and names mean a lot to me; the street name and the area are both divine and would give us a superb business address. Shallow? Maybe intuitive? I know that I am more likely to follow up an address that appeals...I am gradually knocking over the skittles that I have in my head marked as the hurdles to overcome on the path to self employment; I'm sure it wasn't this hard for my ex. in London who set up a graphic design business overnight on the back of my full time job and part time waitressing. Oh, and I bought his computer, which he casually forgot when I finally plucked up the courage to tell the lazy son-of-a-gun where to go and reclaim my self confidence, which he had gradually ground into the carpet. Sorry, did I say that out loud?
One of the joys of this experience is that despite my fear of essay writing and horror of unknown legal minefields, I am in it with someone who has the greatest respect for my confidence, who I have worked with in evil situations for over seven years, and who will work his ass off for our benefit. Now, back to those pesky marketing figures...
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