Bit of a strange one today; battled for much of it in the studio with my painting called 'Vessel' which contains not one but two little angel faces, and for whatever reason (fancy? evolution?) they are more 'true to life' than many of my images. This posed the practical problems of getting the drawing right, and has led to more tweaks than a clowns convention. The ears in question moved, not once but twice, as I realised that their position in relation to other features was just plain wrong. If a moral can be leached out of this whole experience it is to make like the big boys and make sure the drawing is right before setting brush to canvas. End of story.
That said, the latest final version is pleasing to me and also confirmed what I had suspected, which is that potato printing on canvas is not only possible but even more rewarding than on board. Easier too, as the potato kind of adheres to the paint on the canvas, only detaching itself with a satisfying *pop*.
Had to wave bye-bye to my dreams of New York for the present; after initial euphoria upon receiving confirmation from the Amsterdam Whitney gallery that they would like to represent me, reality hit with a *clang*. To take up this kind offer, a fee of 2200 dollars would be required for a years representation with a month long group show in which a ten foot square area of wall is allocated. Add to that the shipping costs and the travel out there - cause lets face it, if you get a show in NYC you're going to want to see the opening - and you are looking at a third of my year's salary. So that's a no then.
Cruised over to Leith to pick up paints from Ritchie in his gallery and check out the lay of the land; still have a crucial red dot on one of my pics so some money will be forthcoming in the not too distant future; seeing in the new year with my painting account in credit - result!
Now, back to those ears....
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