Despite waking with a cat on my head squeaking and a two books under my pillow which were hidden from the squeaking cat (who chucks them about to wake me up) the day turned out pretty alright today. Strange when I committed one of my cardinal sins today and left the house without washing my hair, meaning that I now feel as if I have slept in a muddy hedge. I have nothing whatsoever against those who do not wash their hair every day and wish I could sometimes forego the time-intensive process every morning; in fact for the first few hours it looks better.. but then everything goes horribly wrong for me and I start being able to use it as a sculpting material. No kidding; right now I can make some pretty promising haystacks and wave formations.
Second activity of the day was pretty unpromising too; poor Moomoo has the runs and has been 'scooting' around the floor to itch her obviously uncomfortable cat-butt. Worming time.
For a pretty portly, exercise despising cat, she can however pack a pretty mean punch, and will sadly also play dirty and use teeth if it is necessary to escape forced pill insertion. Stu now has the plasters to prove it and no pill came even close to gullet. Until..
Eureka! Purchased some fine wafer thin ham, a normally banned food substance, and made tiny pill and dry biscuit wraps (having already failed with usual food camouflage techniques) which the girl wolfed down without a question. Phew. She is now sleeping peacefully with what I imagine is a smile of relief curling her (bloodthirsty, greedy) lips. Bless.
Day began to pick up with a cheering meeting with our Mortgage advisor, who managed to guide me through legal documents with humour and allay my fears. No mean feat when you have a world class worry problem like wot I 'av.
Back at the ranch, buoyed by successful worming and finance deals, I settled to an afternoon's unadulterated painting, ignoring all other calls for attention from the paperwork section of the house, and essentially finished the picture I have been working on called 'Snowcatcher'. The latest of my angels, this arrived in my head during the December snows; she is a kind of an analogy for the futile tasks we (as people and as individuals) set ourselves. My angels all seem to have the urge to work as guardians for the thankless population of humankind, and this one is trying to aid in our Canute-like attempts to turn back the tide of nature. She is, however, quite serene in her task and I imagine she sees it as a pleasant diversion rather than a chore; she is wistful but content.
Packing up my paints and taking up the mouse for a check of the computer, I found a message showing two of my wee angels in situ at a fellow artist's house; purchased earlier from Ritchie's gallery. After a few bleak and disappointing weeks on the sale front, this is very welcome, and even more so as the purchaser is someone whose work I admire greatly. A double whammy in the confidence stakes; sales are often the only concrete measure of success, and while compliments are welcome and nourishing, it is a real treat to see pictures go to a new home. It later transpired that two more left the gallery last week, so a seeming slump is turning into a mini-boom.
It's all about perception, isn't it?