This morning's outing was the Submarine Museum, where my host spends her working days, which proved to be far more of a treat than expected. Ther early machines were fascinating and unbelievable in a Heath Robinson way - paddles anyone?, foot pedals?, little round turrets with windows?, and luxuriated under such apt names as 'The Turtle'. Awesome.
The big fella sub was also far more complex and raised more questions that I had never previously considered; the machine itself is impressive, but when you add in the human element and stories, narrate it all first hand by a long serving submariner the effect is really engaging and moving. The design of both the newer buildings and the vessels themselves brought to mind a cross between the ships around us in the harbour and the whales below the waves - it must have been in the designers' visual reference bank when they first sketched these dark, round nosed creatures of the deep. Even the torpedoes are quite lovely in design terms with their whirygig tails; not sure about the war business though - not something that ever leaves me comfortable.
The big fella sub was also far more complex and raised more questions that I had never previously considered; the machine itself is impressive, but when you add in the human element and stories, narrate it all first hand by a long serving submariner the effect is really engaging and moving. The design of both the newer buildings and the vessels themselves brought to mind a cross between the ships around us in the harbour and the whales below the waves - it must have been in the designers' visual reference bank when they first sketched these dark, round nosed creatures of the deep. Even the torpedoes are quite lovely in design terms with their whirygig tails; not sure about the war business though - not something that ever leaves me comfortable.
Black headed gulls and egrets today scything by in the rain; the black head boys remind me of the jackdaws I talk to along the burn with masked ball faces and such serious looking conversations going on. Whales, wooden submarines like gazebos and theatre-mask-faced gulls - put that in ya pencil and see what scribbles out... also reminded of 'Neptune and his water-breathers' - a lovely line from the new Gorillaz album.
One of the other artistic features of note at the subs museum was the diagram / plan drawings of the vessels - beautifully done by someone appreciative of both design and humanity; lovely details of the submarines and their lives as well as the amazingly complex machinery and fittings.
Another tasty pasty for lunch; chick pea and spicy vegetables this time - necessary after a soaking walking around the harbour - nay sandy feet today!
Couldn't help smiling at the Festival bound travellers disappearing into the mist and spray on their Wight-bound way. Wish em luck and good tunes - time I took to the skies homeward bound; mind tipped up, emptied of stress and a bunch of good stuff poured in...
Couple of lovely sights from the plane; the border hills looked for all the world like folded pancakes drizzled with sauce, and the Forth Rail Bridge is being mended; apparently with drinking straws and duck t
Couldn't help smiling at the Festival bound travellers disappearing into the mist and spray on their Wight-bound way. Wish em luck and good tunes - time I took to the skies homeward bound; mind tipped up, emptied of stress and a bunch of good stuff poured in...
Couple of lovely sights from the plane; the border hills looked for all the world like folded pancakes drizzled with sauce, and the Forth Rail Bridge is being mended; apparently with drinking straws and duck t
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