One of my favourite truisms is my favourite because it is both so obvious and so profound. We cannot see the future or predict the outcome of any given situation. Sure, I can guess right, but its the details that elude us and in that is the wonder and the joy of surprise when it is good. Today I was grumpy as Twig the wonder kit has learned to wake my by turning on the Mac by playing with the mouse or keyboard; she did it repeatedly until I chased her off, then joined her in the living room for some light web surfing with my tea. My light surfing led me to the ESSA website; Exhibiting Societies of Scottish Artists; the page advertising the forthcoming auction at Lynn and Turnbull, raising funds for the societies. Various artists have their work on the advert; Di Hope and Gill Shreene I recognise as I love their work and have seen it in galleries; next to the pics of their work is one of mine... Just so out of the blue and unpredicted, there is my name crediting my picture on the ESSA webpage. I spent the rest of the day buzzing but unable to share my feelings without a ten page essay on the art societies of Scotland, my career to date and the proximity of myself and other painters. The pic I'm submitting is 'A Narrow Cocoon' one of the biggest of my patterney, Vietnam inspired pieces and it means a lot as it is a bit of a milestone for me coming back from Arran and quitting the catering industry. Here's hopin' it is even more of a wayside marker than I thought.
Looking again at Paula Rego this morning; the Casa Historica of the bag is a Rego museum in her home town of Cascais, 30k outside Lisbon; now that would be the basis of a fine mini-break - maybe add that to my list (ever-growing) of 2011 fantasy holidays. Already has car touring fortnight in south of France and weekend looking at Bruegels in Vienna, so why not add another gallery related sunspot, a girl can dream. Probably won't get it right, but she can dream.
Thinking of a great story from Tuscany; the guy we stayed with in Castelveccia had some neighbours who had lived there for seventy odd years, married and in the same (stunning) villa. They routinely had major shouting matches around the house and garden, where he called his wife 'Bestia!' - Beast! I just love the idea of a septuagenarian Italian lady called Bestia, and have long harboured the idea of using it as a painting title/inspiration.
Great speedy dinner tonight once I had off-loaded my excitement onto poor Stu; roast chicken breasts in olive oil, soy and sweet chilli with roasted butternut squash, peppers, onions and garlic with manuka honey. So easy its silly and served with a little salad constructed from a cheeky selection of reduced salad items I picked up on the way home.
Must remember to jot down a great shirt pattern I saw today; mens clothes are getting so much funkier and brighter these days; it was a khaki background with white and really vibrant red/orange wonky circles which looked so like one of my potato prints it was silly!
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