Jack Frame is solidly painterly and does some very commendable tree studies - I always like a tree picture and some of these really drew me but others I wasn't keen on the colours and thought they veered a little close to photographic copies, never my favourite genre. I totally appreciate the skill that photorealism takes, but it often leaves me cold; some of the BP portrait award pics are truly remarkable, but again its the ones with more painterliness and soul that I lean towards. Similar to my feelings for the guy we saw yesterday with his stunning watercolour studies; for me it is the spontenaity and handling of paint that really shows his craft.
Settled in with renewed vigour on the pic of the three 'ladies' - its basically a version of the classic harem/odalisque theme. I have two concubines, Suki and Greensleeves, and Popsicle, the odalisque/apprentice; and an elephant. Working on the faces today, which always gives me a better feel for the overall piece in terms of lights, darks, colours etc. I am pleased with how far I got today and the way the ladies relate to each other; I need to get going with my potatoes tomorrow so I can get some pattern going. Using biro and coloured pencil under the acrylic which I have discovered will bleed through to various effect; sometimes it has done it by accident and I have cursed it , but am now trying to harness this to create subtle underlays and patterns. Success so far and a useful way to add yet another layer to patterns; some have scrafito under the potato print already and now this can come into play as well. I found it useful on the faces as well; the biro will peek through overpainted acrylic to give really quite subtle outlines on the eyes, nostrils, lips etc. Messed with the new red successfully also, although I think I will need a tube of the opaque version also for more balls where needed.
Some of the paintings in the Collins Gallery suffered from a 'lost in translation' moment; I had left a bottom carbon copy as the only reference to make labels from, in my imperfect handwriting. 'Lillie Duck' has become 'Lillie Drink', which is genius and far more apt than the original, given that this was basically an 'in-joke' with myself. Weirdly, my friend down south had nick-named this one 'The lady in the drink' so it must have been predestined; I will have to change it on my website! The other change is ' Green Janey' to 'Green Journey', which again I find preferable; maybe I should make a habit of this...
Did our weekly shop for basics; all for £20 and well stocked for much of the week in terms of meat and veg; also two for one on wraps for me lunches, and good old 'savers' Neapolitan ice cream - ridiculously cheap but so satisfying at the end of what is often a chilli enhanced dinner.
Stocked up on 'print potatoes' too - some nice waxy ones with a good selection of sizes;
the only loose ones were Jersey Royals which are too pricey and poncey for printing; they'll go and demand a bleedin' Equity card.
Stocked up on 'print potatoes' too - some nice waxy ones with a good selection of sizes;
Some fab lamb steaks tonight marinaded in oil and oddly wet steak seasoning; Stu did an awesome couscous with peppers, onions, herbs from le jardin, garlic, peas etc etc; also some great spicy spinach. I have finally admitted that the rocket I planted is not, actually rocket, but another unknown herbaceous plant. I ate some yesterday trying to prove its rocket-ness (unsuccessfully) so I hope it is an innocuous herbaceous plant - definately not a foxglove so at least that is a comfort. Fennels are going for the sky and so will plant them out tomorrow in a nice hefty pot I have for such occasions; some of our home-compost will keep them going great guns until harvest time!
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