Just realised the crucial fact that people read my blog; for so long I have considered it a conversation with myself, so I'd better wise up to this new and exciting fact. Luckily it was in a fortuitous circumstance and not a petulant character assasination (don't think I've penned many of them, mind) so I shan't lose any sleep (be good to get any - thank you Twig for this morning's wake up call..) over it.
A day of quotes: this one from Band of Horses, a band I found on Stu's free CD -
'The elevator in the hotel lobby has a lazy door,'
I just love that, and crucially it is the first line of the song, and so vies for the top slot alongside 'Jodi wears and hat although it hasn't rained for six days', and 'Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street'.
Another song on the free CD has kindly given me a title for the lovely sanded mermaid (see pic - in progress); a band called Phosphorescent have a song that gave me a tear called 'Mermaid Parade'. Now, this is coincidental as the sharp eyed will spot as I just not long ago found the Coney Island Mermaid Parade on the web during a browse on the subject and marvelled that this year's king and queen will be Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed. No kidding. If I had the cash I would be there with a selection of bells on, and a tail.
Not wishing to steal the title, which would be underhand and lacking in imagination, I shall call it 'Amanda's dream' as she is the girl he sings to in the song, about mermaids. La di da.
Figured out why I am less keen on 'Joy Garden Siesta' than some of my other paintings. To quote once more, this time from the very lovely film, Amadeus, it has 'too many notes.'
Almost as if I was on an exercise to cram all the patterns and figures I could into one space. Don't get me wrong, I am still a happy bunny with it as it taught me things and I like it as an image, but that is what has been bugging me, I am sure.
News from the garden; hot off the press - Fennel in the Fence has made the top! His feathery little head is peeking out tantalisingly now, so lets see how much clearance he makes by the end of the season... Also Olive has officially recovered from the most severe frostbite - I'm sure he is still looking at me going 'what on earth made you think of leaving me out in that??' I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise to make you a little hat this winter, how was I supposed to know it was going to be that cold? Now he is a very peculiar shape, ie: pollarded with a few crazy shoots popping out at the top. Not sure whether to go for broke and have a full pollarded olive or leave the one crazy tall shoot - I think I'll have to now though as chopping it off might just add insult to injury.
Ah, so - the title of the post today alludes to a few things; despite finding out that the ESSA failed to sell my painting in their (very) silent auction, I am flying high today. Met with my man in Leith to talk about our show in the run up to Christmas and realised that my skates had better be firmly attached to my tootsies now as he means business and hopes for up to twelve decent sized angel-related works from me. Mind now buzzing with ideas and picked up some board from my friendly framer to kick off on; better get the lovely mermaid done and dusted, which will be a delight anyway, I love her.
Also popped in to pick up my giclee proof and me man there offered me the chance to publish prints and cards with them, which of course would be dreamy for a charming but impoverished artist on the threshold of great things. He also told me that he'd read my blog, so 'hello and thank you'. Off to let off steam in the studio - I think my subtle playlist 'Kick-ass boogie' may be just the thing to accompany my brushstrokes tonight. All this good news gives me wings!!