Sales wise, very disappointing it has to be said. Still no word of the mysterious buyer from Ritchie's gallery in Leith who may or may not be returning for one that she reserved. It is hard to remind myself that there is another reason for the lack of returns on my invested time; my usual paranoia starts to kick in and doubt that I will ever succeed in my aims.
Trying hard to focus on the true and undeniable fact that we are tantalisingly close to finishing payments on the hefty great loan that has left us a little financially challenged this year; the final months of the experience are close at hand and after that we can look forward to breathing a little easier and having less near-overdraft experiences. Maybe a little less pasta for dinner as well, but I have become strangely attached to it..
Line in the sand coming up again though; the year of blogging is about to enter a new phase as we start thinking about what comes next and how we can move on into the opening chapter.
Meanwhile I try to stay focused, remind myself that lack of sales does not equate to lack of success, especially when galleries are snowbound, and start to create new opportunities and build on what I have achieved this year so far. Which is actually pretty impressive really.
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