A year of Poverty, Painting and Food: Twelve years in catering over, my aim is to paint full time. Stu, my other half, is stuck as a chef feeding the x-thousand over an Edinburgh winter. His cooking tips and budgeting are propelling us through the year on a tenner a day, while I paint.. No comparison to Pablo's talent; I have just named my blog after the Paris studio where he suffered the twin purgatory of poverty and artistic ambition on the cusp.. I am emerging!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Things with wings

Another day, another angel... in the gallery today painting a small selection of baby box canvases and changing others; as I find out new ways of working the previous paintings look out of step and I end up changing backgrounds, colours... never satisfied! Every last painting is my favourite until I do the next one - I want to keep one every week and then end up taking it back and putting it up for sale as I have a new best angel friend. What a fickle person I am! It had been amazing discipline as a painter though; I hadn't worked on canvas for years before this experience and now I am discovering new things to do with it every day. Today I was playing with the hole puncher that makes flower shaped apertures; some ended up as collaged snowflakes, others as a dress design, and the card they were popped out of became a stencil to use with spray paint on a couple of backgrounds. Excellent and very messy; managed to get paint in my hair and all over a previously untarnished pair of jeans. The day flew by though, I can't believe how quick Sunday goes when I am painting all day; I took Stu in for work for seven-thirty and by nine-thirty I had done one angel already... I am becoming obsessed. Had to stop myself from doing more when I came home tonight but my eyes are going and I need sleep bigtime. So the week before the show begins; I can honestly say that I have given my all to this and I really hope something comes of it, at least in the form of another/more shows or opportunities to hang my work. The more I can get out there, the more I may sell and the more excuse I have to make more, develop and realise my potential. Bring it on.

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