Okey dokey, for the intents and purposes of the show kicking off on Friday; I have finished. Finito. Fat lady has sung. Last two paintings off the easel were two of my favourites of the four month period and the last one went out with a particular bang as Twig-the-psycho-kit finally managed to jump onto the palette on my lap and cover her back foot in acrylic... a pretty fast piece of work meant that the only area to suffer the pawprints was the studio floor (expendable and expectable), my jeans (nowt new there) and a small portion of sofa (not really visible to the untrained eye). A dunk in the sink, a scrub-a-dub with a sponge and a rub with a towel and the wee lady was back to normal if a little surprised looking. And the good girl didn't as much as try and land one on me despite my scrubbing.
Found an excellent word tonight in the course of my meanderings in cyberspace; 'palimpsest'.
Comes from Roman via Greek or the other way around and refers to a manuscript, picture or whatever that is erased and reused; literally 'scraped clean and used again'. Now all I have to do is find a sentence grand enough to hold it. Can be used also to refer to any example of rebuilding over existing foundations, the remnants of one city under another or the outline of a crater visible under a later impact. Possibilities are endless.
Think it is most definately time I went to bed. All kinds of things to do tomorrow and the eyes are weary.
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