I feel a seachange; the angels are nearing resolution and my current painting is beginning to lean in a new direction... there are now three quotes on the page of my sketchbook:
'How fragile are our fairylands' - V.S. Naipaul
'Lamplit, vicious fairy land' - Jeremy Hodges
'F****d up Fairyland' - I. Nilsson
Somewhere in the midst of these three is the one I am looking for as a blanket title for the next cycle of work; the sentiment of my quote with a touch more subtlety.
The thought process happened largely at cashmoneyjob today and I quote the list I made on the back of a receipt below as it was a great 'stream-of-consciousness-thought-process' day. The best bit was in the middle when a wee girl walked up to the counter in a 'Tucan (sic, meaning the bird) Hacienda' t-shirt. Woh, now there's a title... I guess I'm moving on from 'Joy Garden Siesta' on a similar line, taken a whole lot weirder and sleazier and transported to Mexico. Now I haven't been to Mexico, but a whole lot of my favourite films have locations there; guess Stu is in for a Mexican season at dinner DVD time. The joys of not having a TV in case you wondered.
Stu has been working some real magic with his frame finishing; layering up paint with far more patience than I can muster and sanding/wire woolling back to create lovely distressed effects, but with amazing polish and shine; they are finished with Briwax and feel amazing. So nice not to feel that a chunk will come off your frame if you tap it on something like I have had happen so many times with commercially finished frames.
We are going to work the framing thing into a larger business idea over the winter; I have a pretty good idea where we are going now and it involves me and Stu sharing a workshop; can't wait to get the soundtrack building up in there. It will be good to work together again too as we are an ace team and just have fun; I've missed the banter working in the 'real world' with strangers.
So; the thought process that started today:
fairylights, on trees
aloe vera plants Deathproof - Chartreuse
Three Burials Painted desert - Cowboy Junkies
window on the desert Frida Kahlo
Santanica Pandemonium Titty Twister
Cartier Bresson prostitutes Jet trails mackerel skies
prickly pears gecko hibiscus
Groups of ladies in tablecloth dresses 21 Grams wedding
Tucan Hacienda Flamingo Cantina
Fuschia Furnace wind Kahuna boys
Floribunda red-black hair monumental women
time stretching to the horizon All the Pretty Horses
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