Great quotes from one of my Facebook friends; one I forget was about the desire to become a tree, which started a flurry of correspondance about the chopping down of loved trees. I am still in mourning for the cherries outside my house and know I will stare again in the spring wondering where the blossom snow has gone; where the pigeon perches once his worn-smooth perch was reduced to sawdust so unneccesarily. The sound of chainsaws haunts me; thank god I am not near a rainforest; I really don't think I could bear it.
Her quote for today was another I love; 'Happy is the man who has learned to hold the things of his world with a loose hand.' -Warren Wiersbe. Very Buddhist, and a very hard one. I have consciously tried to lose things sometimes; old photos of times that will not return, keepsakes and letters that no longer reverberate in my current life. Every now and then I regret having done so, but at the end of the day I would only waste precious time in the 'now' gazing at things from the past with regret and negative emotion. Why waste it?
Finished the mop headed 'Hair' inspired kimono-wearing angel. Still not sure where she came from but I like her now she is done. My oldest chum, who sports a not dissimilar hairstyle can be proud that it is both her hair and her mention of the musical that triggered this particular picture. Might even get used as a Christmas card given the inclusion of snowflakes made in my new 'cake slice' potato print style. I say new; I mean new to me. Doubtless generations of various cultures have used a technique very similar if not identical; maybe not by the same name.
Off with a skip and a jump to the studio tonight to start 'Angel Haven'; the painting named after the exhibition. This one has long been wandering the corridors of my mind, so I hope it will manage to exceed my expectations; I love it when that happens.
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