A year of Poverty, Painting and Food: Twelve years in catering over, my aim is to paint full time. Stu, my other half, is stuck as a chef feeding the x-thousand over an Edinburgh winter. His cooking tips and budgeting are propelling us through the year on a tenner a day, while I paint.. No comparison to Pablo's talent; I have just named my blog after the Paris studio where he suffered the twin purgatory of poverty and artistic ambition on the cusp.. I am emerging!

Monday, 5 July 2010

# Nine Dream

Just gazing out of the kitchen window trying to identify my mislabelled crops; 'Maybe it's the purple sprouting brocolli?' 'Well, if it goes purple and sprouts...' We're sure about the poppies now though; they flowered, and they are definately not rocket. Does mean that I ate some poppy leaf though in their nursery stage; hope it isn't a really slow acting poison.
Worried about the idea of blogging about blogs this morning as I wanted to expand on something I read in The Bitchy Waiter, who I love and who has actually lived my life in catering. This lead me to the phrase 'blogging the blog', which in turn reminde me of Noggin the Nog; a legendary (to me) childrens book series - and maybe even TV although I can't remember. He was a kind of Scandy hero viking type guy and the pictures were great. This, I hasten to add, is not actually the point I started out to make.

What I was considering is whether it is au fait to blog on another blog, or if this is outside blog ettiquette. But then who cares. Bitchy waiter wrote a couple of days ago about his recurring 'server dreams' (he's from the U.S. so I would translate as 'waiter dreams') which consist of very full restaurants where you are the only waiter and customers keep coming in. They used to drive me actually insane when I was a restaurant person and would get really surreal; sometimes it was a wedding where everyone kept rearranging the furniture and there were a million interconnecting marquees which I kept discovering. One time I was working in a weird creepy hotel where I had lost all the chefs and had to find them to cook an order; in the end I found them all in a cupboard, very drunk and so proceeded to make a smoked fish sandwich, which in true dream logic I figured would feed a table of four. Another real gem was when I was serving in a nearly empty (for once) American style diner, but I had to cross a busy motorway to reach the kitchen - I also had one 'table' of diners who were actually sitting next door in a garage forecourt. I kid you not, these dreams drove me insane for years, and then you would have to go to work and face similar, if less surreal situations and remain cheery. Boy oh boy do I not miss it.

I do have a particularly fertile dream mind however, which when not annoying me can be very entertaining; another stress related recurrer involves carrying a cat/person (once it changed from one to the other mid dream) across unknown cities using a variety of public transport and not speaking the language. Every now and then I wonder if I will ever pitch up in a city I have never visited and recognise it from one of these dreams - total head-fry!!
A final strange one that has stayed with me and given me a life-long phobia is from childhood, when a wardrobe door would open at the foot of my bed powered by a ghostly hand, while a disembodied voice proclaimed 'By itself!' No wardrobe doors in my houses ever since; no closed doors even...
I have never really seen the point of dream tranlation though as mine have always been so blatantly obvious; walking through clay-like soil struggling to lift feet and slowly sinking anyone? Not a good time in my life. Working in a hotel struggling to serve multiple guests in a miscellany of interconnected rooms, man reception and stay awake while sleep deprived? Oh yeah, I was working in a hotel struggling to serve multiple guests..... You get the picture. That job sucked by the way and the guy earned himself some seriously bad karma before the end. Saw him the other day and gave him my best customer service smile...

Normal painting services will be resumed tomorrow; feeling ropey and uncreative today and need my sleeps; the Twig alarm was up to her tricks at 4am today. Perchance to dream...?

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