Luckily my angst was fairly short lived as its main cause, amending my website, was resolved before the day's end.
Strangely I also had a day of very colourful imaginings; every time I let my mind wander or think of potential angel images I was seeing really vivid imagery and patterns. I often wish I could 'download' directly from experiences like that. I suppose the joy of developing as a painter is becoming able to translate the images from head to board with less loss of quality. It used to be hideously frustrating as a child when I couldn't get the pictures in my head to come out on paper; I have clear memories of crying over it.
Some of the colour combinations came from the frame painting I did the other day, as if my mind was turning it over and mulling on it. Beige, white and turquoise worked really well together and let the bright colour sing so much clearer than when surrounded by other 'voices' which drown it out. Ordered the elusive brown biro today and some turquoise ones, so looking forward to that little parcel.
Wrote two words in my sketchbook today; serendipity and epiphany. Great words, I'm sure I will find a use for them; they fit so well with the whole angel thing.
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